Apartment Fire With Entrapment!
By Member John England IV
August 26, 2013

Warminster Fire Dept. was dispatched on box 92-56 by Bucks County radio at 21:44hrs to a reported apartment fire at Meadowood Condos building #600. Reports of possible entrapment were coming in as police arrived and they reported a smoke condition and started to evacuate residents until the source could be determined.

Battalion 91 was the first in chief and confirmed a smoke condition and he was trying to locate the source. Daeputy 90 arrived on scene and assumed Command and reported from the Battalion inside of a possible kitchen fire with smoke showing and evacuations underway.

The fire was located in a 2nd floor apartment and contained to the kitchen area. Crew’s inside including Chief 93 from Hartsville Fire Co. located a sleeping resident in the fire apartment and performed an immediate rescue of the apartment owner. He was disoriented from being woken from his sleep and was checked out by squad 122 and refused any further treatment.

One firefighter was injured from a trip and fall and was transported to Doylestown hospital for evaluation. Mutual aid received by Hartsville Fire Co., Warrington Fire Co., Horsham Fire Co. & Warminster Ambulance. The Bucks County fire marshal’s office is investigating the incident.